Mariflex Group in Vlaardingen, the Netherlands, degassed the first inland barge with the Purgit RVRS. The Refrigerated Vapour Recovery System (RVRS) is a flexible solution to reduce the VOC emissions during degassing. The first European degassing with the Purgit RVRS was performed in the presence and under supervision of the Port of Rotterdam and the DCMR (Environmental Protection Agency). MariflexMariflex deploys the RVRS from it’s own barge. The barge can be transported towards any give location.The first vessel that was degassed was the T.M.S. Buran from Ludwig Harms, empty after a Gasoline discharge. 2.000 m3 of Gasoline vapours was treated. During the degassing process 325 liters of Gasoline condensate was recovered. Purgit Refrigerated Vapour Recovery SystemThe RVRS is produced by Purgit USA and sold by its European representative IPCO Power BV in Dordrecht to Mariflex. During the first operations of the MariFlex unit the founder of Purgit USA, Mr Hank Hilliard with one of their senior operators were present for technical support. The RVRS is capable to degas marine and land tanks and recovers clean product from the vapours without reportable emissions. PURGIT RVRS uses a proprietary system that condenses and recovers tank vapours. Depending on the application PURGIT's condensers are capable to recover over 99% of the VOC. The RVRS is able to cool down the vapours to approximately -120˚C. The PURGIT RVRS system is designed to degas atmospheric or inert tanks and barges (low or zero O2) and keeps it inert throughout the operation. Drawing VOC vapours out of the tank, the PURGIT system condenses and removes the hydrocarbons from the vapour stream, returning only the non-condensables back to the tank. Close Loop Tank degassing with the RVRS is completely safe and the tank can be inerted during the process. Condensing and removal of the VOC in the tank or barge will continue until the required LEL level is reached. (Working capacity for tank loading/discharging and degassing is between 100 m3/h and 4500 m3/h Comments are closed.
March 2024
AuthorBart Sluimer is the General Manager of IPCO Power. IPCO Power is an international company specialized in environmental solutions for the petrochemical-, shipping- and power industry. Find us on google+ and twitter |