Mid December, 2014 A/S Shell Denmark called IPCO Power for assistance in treating 35.000 m3 of highly H2S polluted sea water. During the loading of this polluted sea water into a sea going vessel the concentration of H2S and mercaptanes was so extremely high that conventional means to treat the released vapor coming out of the vessel where not sufficient.
With the deployment of the ECOSCRUB, scrubber solution, IPCO Power and the Nature Group managed the treat the vapor in a combined effort and reduced the concentration with more that 98%. The vessel was loaded at an average pump rate of 800 m3/hour. The operation was performed within 48 hours. The ECOSCUB scrubber solution is the best available technique to cope with these type of air pollutions mainly caused during the transloading of Heavy Fuel Oil, bitumen and other products where high air emission of H2S and sulphur components are released or as in this particular case, polluted sea water. The IPCO Power team wishes everyone happy holidays and all the best for 2015! This year we decided to make a special contribution to the Reddingsbrigade Dordrecht (the local voluntary life guards in Dordrecht)